
Swmai Kartikeyan Vedic Vishwavidyalaya well recognized across the globe for its online programs...

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Institute of Vocational Training

One of India’s biggest challenges as well as advantages is its growing young population. The average Indian will be only 29 years old in 2020. India targets creation of 500 million skilled workers in 2022. ‘Institute of Vocational Training’ is to provide immediate and definite interventions to improve the lives of the disadvantaged and marginalized youth, especially who are excluded by the formal school education system through appropriate vocational training programmes. The target beneficiaries would include organized and unorganized labour, women, children, dalits and tribals.

The training begins with basic orientation and job skills modules, covering the aspects of the World of Work that the student is going to enter and make this transition seamless to reduce drop outs and the delivery will be through a work integrated approach. The model proposed is demand derived and thus leads to assured employability.

SKVV has its primary objective of providing education to even the remotest parts of the Country, now looks forward to building a sustainable society. Vocational Education plays a key role in the upliftment of the bulk of our rural and semi-urban population by providing them with newer and promising employment opportunities.

These new avenues of income generation, provided through vocational education, help in skills development of an individual as well as aids in uplifting the living standard of the entire family. Thus, the institute is continuously making its contribution in the development of a literate and Self-sufficient Society.

The ‘Institute of Vocational Training’ at SKVV, in tune with these objectives, has started several new programmes which have been made keeping in mind the market requirements. The programs on offer provide knowledge enhancement, skills development and help in preparing an individual for job placements in the market.

The ‘Institute of Vocational Training’ offers programs: :

Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 8000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 16000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or euivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-yaers


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 7000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 2500.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 15000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 15000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 30000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 15000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 30000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-yaers


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 15000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 30000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivaelnt
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 6000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-yaers


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HghSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 4000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 4000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 5000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Monhts


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: Highschool or eqivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equiavelnt
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 6000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 15000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 1-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: Highschool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000
Total Fee: Rs. 10000
Duration: 01- Year


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: Highschool or eqiuvalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 5000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 6000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 6000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or qeuivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 6000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 28000.00
Duration: 02-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 1000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 5000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: Highschool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 5000.00
Duration: 06- Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 15000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 30000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 2500.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HigSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivlent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 6000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 01-yeras


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivaelnt
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 15000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 30000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 6000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-yaers


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 7000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 12000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 24000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalnet
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. NA
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 06-Months


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 7000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 14000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 5000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 10000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-years


Eligiblity: HighSchool or equivalent
Fee/Semester: Rs. 10000.00
Total Fee: Rs. 20000.00
Duration: 01-Years


Foreign Tieups

SKVV facilitating Young Minds for Academic Experience across the globe. We have shaken hands with two Universities in USA: Akmai University, Hawaii, USA and Columbia International University, Columbia...

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Student members can access wide range of e- books and also visit some online libraries...

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Online Examination

Students can appear in their Online Examinations as per their schedule only...

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Donation of Books

Students can donate their books of passed examinations from any board/ institution/ University for poor students, so that they can study at low cost. This will be one kind of help to study poor students those can’t afford burden of costly books.

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Acadamics Partner

Campus Event

  • Tree Plantation Ceremony

    Tree Plantation of about 4500 plants has been done in Distt. Kanyakumari, Distt. Dehradun and Distt. Ahmedabad by Swami Kartikeyan Vedic Vishwavidyalaya. It is dream that we plant at least one lakh plants in Country by 2017-18.

    Tree Plantation Ceremony

    Campaign for awareness about Online Education

    We campaign amongst the young youth of India to make them aware about the power of internet. Education through internet is easier, faster and valuable to someone who is working and can’t afford much time for classroom education.

    Campaign for awareness about Online Education

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Near new Bus Stand, Above Archana Bakery,
Tamilnadu, India,
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